The #AfricanUnion Commission joins the world to commemorate #WorldAIDSDay2022 and
re-ignite the
political commitment to end #AIDS as a public health threat
in #Africa by 2030. Join the conversation: tinyurl.com/4vcpax9v
In Africa, the AIDS epidemic is a multi-faceted phenomenon. The factors that fuel inequalities in Africa are as diverse as African communities themselves. Education, gender inequality, and income per capita have, however, been found to be the core fault lines of inequality upon which gaps in HIV response are premised in Africa. These three, along with other emerging public health priorities such as disease outbreaks and the COVID-19 pandemic, call for diverse approaches to “Equalize” at each level of response– from the local up to the international–in a way that fosters a supportive, enabling environment to respond to HIV/AIDS.
In this context, the AU Commission will commemorate World AIDS Day in Addis Ababa. The AU Commission will also take the opportunity for continued advocacy for the AU Agenda for Nutrition to ensure that gains made over the years in eliminating malnutrition and all its forms in Africa are upheld. AIDS Watch Africa (AWA), whose Secretariat is housed at the AU Commission, continues to play an influential advocacy role in actively shaping discourse on HIV, TB, malaria and health financing and will thus lead the World AIDS Day initiative.
Ministry of Health of Ethiopia, Africa CDC, the Organization of African First
Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) and UNAIDS
PS: Be sure to include your AIDS campaign hashtags so that we are all having the same conversation – to eliminate AIDS in Africa by 2030.
Speakers and Partners: @lia_tadesse @FMoHealth @KalondoMonica @OAFLAD @AULO_Sihaka @UNAIDS @UNAIDS_AU_ECA @GlobalFund @UK_AfricanUnion @US_AU @WACI_Tweets @WHOatAUECA